Hulahula River

June 16 - June 26, 2025 (SOLD OUT) Contact us for 2025 waitlist

Join us on the Hulahula, a quintessential arctic river, for an 11-day paddle raft trip. “The Hula” is located in the heart of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, home to wild and rugged terrain, abundant wildlife, and never-ending daylight. The river meanders through gently rolling hills on its way to the Beaufort Sea as the rocky snow-capped peaks of the Brooks Range tower above. This pristine arctic landscape is ideal for those seeking quiet and solitude, breathtaking scenery, and a unique adventure. The bush plane flight through the Brooks Range that precedes the trip is in itself a once in a lifetime experience. Our relaxed schedule provides time for reading, conversation, and day-hikes through tundra blanketed in wildflowers. The journey ends at our take-out in the Beaufort Sea where we are camped next to the arctic ice pack. Incredible opportunities for wildlife encounters make this expedition not just a river trip but an unforgettable “arctic safari.” Trip begins and ends in Fairbanks, Alaska.


Noatak River